For 23 years I have been on a mission to make sense of it all.
“Every Blessing is a curse, and every curse is a blessing” Garth Brooks
Recently I have been aware that many parents do not see the signs some of us do that our kids are Ok. So, I gave it some thought.
My son Markus transcended November 4th 2000. For over 23 years.
Recently, September 12th, 2023, I was blessed with The Rose Bush, a tangible gift from Markus I can hold in my hands.
From the very beginning starting with the phone call Markus was reaching out to us. I made comments to family and friends that it was like he was still alive, only in a different form.
Family and friends saw the same things I did, however from a different viewpoint, or I’m thinking beliefs and had other interpretations.
As the years went on, I was very careful about who I shared my observations with. When I did, they either got it or in general had medium to strong disbelief.
In several cases I followed up a day or two later and asked if they had had electrical anomalies of any kind. Markus’s favorite way to reach out. They did, however, gave credit to and old light switch or something like that. For me circumstantial but predictable evidence that he was in a different form.
The one that really gets everyone thinking and I must say took me awhile to accept is the girl whose car hit the same pole as Markus’s. Before impact she saw him, and he told her everything would be OK. She came to laying in the ditch with only a small carpet burn on her shoulder.
Why do some see signs, and some don’t?
Could it be because of the belief system one has?
I was raised to believe that if I accepted Jesus as my savior I would go to heaven when I died. Only then would I get to reunite with others who had died before me.
This seems to be a common system taught by many religions.
Where and how did we get our beliefs in the after life and how God really works? Have we as a species been brainwashed or gaslighted for thousands of years?
In Genisus we are told about the creation process. God created man in his own image. Later he created a woman.
They lived in The Garden Of Eden and could do whatever except eat from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evel.
And we are taught that Eve sinned and ate from that tree and so on and so forth.
Is this gaslighting 101.
If Adam and Eve and us, (mankind) were made in the image of God than one shouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
But then they sinned and ate from the tree giving them the Knowledge of Good and Evel.
So here we are, parents who have had a kid transition having our struggles because of what has been passed down for thousands of years when we have the ability to look hard, go deep in ourselves and find the truth. Do we have available to us the power of God at our fingertips to be used as we desire?
Consider: The scriptures say we are made in the image of God.
Consider: Adam and Eve ate from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evel.
Have we, without wanting to, been inducted into a secret society where if we let go of our beliefs, look around, we can see and understand how the universe really works?
Consider: Have we been conditioned to focus on what’s wrong? The news is generally about bad things.