The Power and Energy of Words Thoughts and Emotions

When I walked up to where Markus crashed and looked around, my first thought was that this can all be explained by physics.
If only I had known how true, this was.
If only I had of listened to what Markus told me in the weeks before the crash. 
He explained string theory to me, which basically is that everything in the universe is connected.
He told me that to understand what is going on I need to watch The Matrix.  Interesting because he was into programing and hacking.  
However, my beliefs, thoughts and the energy of words overrode me exploring my first thought and my life like others has been a roller coaster ever since.
I went deep into the anger, fear, guilt, grief energy zone and lost almost everything.

During the times of pure joy, amazing things have happened that I myself had no explanation for. During the times of despair, really bad stuff happened that I also had no explanation for.

Finally and slowly I have realized everything boils down to pure energy based on the laws God laid out for how the universe works.

It is proven that words, thoughts and emotions have energy and cast a spell. That's why they are spelled. How our lives play out is because of this energy and the spell from the words we use and think.

Below are charts from a group of people who teach and show examples of the power of words, thoughts and emotions and how we can connect to the power of God.

Emotion = Energy in Motion

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

It can only change forms.

Spell a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power.

The spoken word comes from a thought, feeling or emotion from somewhere in our brain and cast a spell.

So if words have spells and we take control of the words we use should we be able to cast a good spell and raise our energy levels?

The answer is yes.

“There is a law in physics that basically says that when you have energy that is vibrating at a particular frequency within 17 seconds other energy like that will be attracted to it. Do this for 68 seconds and build momentum. So if you’re having a positive thought or a negative thought then what happens is that energy is attracted to it.”

This chart is from Jeffery L Fannin PhD Neuroscientist.

Click here and go to his explanation 

This chart was developed by Dr David Hawkins has put a vibrational number scale to a lot of words.

This chart combines David Hawkins and Abraham Hicks. Abraham Hicks spends a lot of time explaining the importance of getting to the next higher emotional level and maintaining it 17 seconds at a time each is good and better than the one below.



David Lynch explains the same concept using transcendental meditation.

Click here and go to his explanation

Ref: or Dive deeper.
Definition of Spell from Merriam Webster
1: a : a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power
b : a state of enchantment
2: a strong compelling influence or attraction

Jorden Maxwell: Gets into the power of words and more. I have found a lot of good fast information from him on TiK Toc Here’s a link to his website.

Dr David Hawkins: Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer.

Abraham Hicks: Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker. We find it helpful to search on YouTube and pick one of the chats at random.

Jeffery L Fannin PhD: Neuroscientist

David Lynch: American filmmaker, visual artist, and musician

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1 comment

Wonderful article!! When truth comes, it so often comes from several sources- so we can each hear it the way we need to hear it. When someone is the ONLY ONE saying something it just might not be the truth. Thanks Mark!!

claudia m milligan

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