I am sharing because it raises interesting questions on several levels. If you like share your insights.
1: Ever wonder where people get there creative ideas from?
2: Ever wonder how and why some people come into our lives.
2: How are some people blessed with remarkable skills, talents and insights?
3: How is it that some have a knack for making huge amounts of money?
4: ETC, ETC, etc
When I found the original drawing of The Rose along with some other drawings I was taken back as I had no idea Markus was at that level.
He drew it September 29, 2000. He transitioned November 4, 2000.
He spent a week in Austin TX where he and a hotel full of kids came up with a lot of the ideas we use today. His group, came up with on demand TV. They toured Dell's plants etc, also met Michael Dell, Steve Jobs Bill gates etc.
While there he told Seana in his group he would show her the rose the next time he saw her. She got her own copy when she arrived at his funeral.
After I arrived back in North Carolina I made a towbar for my own use. Several friends saw it as a great innovation for moving aircraft as it had advantages others on the market were missing. So I started making them. My challenge is that I can only weld for a short period of time as no matter the lens I use welding burns my eyes after a short period of time. For this reason I had to use someone with the skills to weld. For several years I was challenged to find a welder.
I reached a point where I was about to stop the whole deal. In my desperation I posted in several groups looking for someone to take the project and give me whatever they saw fit. Even if I never made another dime off the towbars just seeing live would be OK.
Corey learned about the offer from a friend and even though we have never met have had a great relationship for several years now.
And then out of the blue he presented The Rose in 3D. Something he saw on my feed and thought it would be cool to make.
Pretty dang cool how this stuff works when one works it. Can it be done with intention?
This transcript is from this original on YouTube. It's powerful Click here. is from Gerald Agner for more Welcome to the website for Gerald Auger | Official Website for Gerald...
This transcript is from this original on YouTube. It's powerful Click here. is from Gerald Agner for more Welcome to the website for Gerald Auger | Official Website for Gerald...
When I walked up to where Markus crashed and looked around, my first thought was that this can all be explained by physics. If only I had known how true,...
When I walked up to where Markus crashed and looked around, my first thought was that this can all be explained by physics. If only I had known how true,...