Proof that it's known when we get here and when we leave.

“For some of our most important beliefs, we have no evidence at all, except that people we love and trust hold these beliefs. Considering how little we know, the confidence we have in our beliefs is preposterous and it is also essential.”
2002 Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman

I had to look up preposterous it means(completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; utterly foolish; absurd;senseless)

Markus's transition on November 4, 2000 was very difficult and cost me a lot because of my beliefs. Something I work on daily.

All a belief is, is something passed from generation to generation and information repeated over and over whether it be right or wrong.

In the story of James Leininger his parents mention this.

Proof of Reincarnation

The WW2 Fighter Pilot

There are a lot of documented cases of reincarnation dating back many years.
The case of James Leininger who recounted his life as a fighter pilot in WWII starting at age 2 is awesome.

He also told his parents when and where he picked them to be his parents.

Dr Jim Tucker with The University of Virginia and his parents were able to document everything he said as true.

The University of Virginia division of Perceptual Studies has been studying this since 1967 with more than 2,000 documented cases

James story starts at about the 12 minute mark in The Science of The Souls

Click here to see it on YouTube

Proof we know when we leave. Hunter's Tattoo

Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

On Saturday February 24, 2024, I was given another valuable piece of evidence proving that the stuff we/I believe should be questioned. Donna and I were invited to share a table with Pangels, (a free retreat for bereaved parents) at the Body Mind Spirit Celebration in Raleigh.

It was my first-time meeting, Traci, one of the founders who told me the funniest story about her sons Hunter and Parker and the tattoo they arranged for the underage Parker to get eight months before Hunter passed. If you ever have a chance to hear Traci, tell it, it will be well worth your time.

Anyhow my condensed version.  

In January 2017 her two sons Hunter and Parker pulled one of those really piss mom off deals when the youngest, Parker got a tattoo before he was old enough and without moms permission knowing mom would explode if he got one.

Boy’s being boys.

The boys worked together and Parker the youngest picked out a cross and Hunter a Bible verse. Romans 8:18.

On 8.18.2017, Hunter transcended.

Like a lot of parents Traci wanted a sign from Hunter. She wanted something concrete, more than a bird, cloud, or any of the other means normally accepted.

One day she realized that the sign showed up January, 8 months before when Parker got the tattoo. The cross with the verse Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Now how about that? I was looking for something more concrete than Dr. Mary Neals near death experience where she learned her son would later die and I got it firsthand.

Richard's Favorite Bible Verse

Romans 8:28 The Voice

We were at a Pangels retreat and met Richard Soria who added another piece of evidence that it is known when we leave.
For 15 years his favorite Bible verse has been Romans 8:28. His son transcended on 8.28.2008.

Claudia's Favorite Bible Verse

Claudia showed up after a rant I did on FB about the guilt, grief and fear cartel.

She has written a book about her son David. Click here to learn more about her.

The Life After Death Project

The Life After Death Project A fascinating quest for proof of life after death -- a true-life enigma that begins with one small, odd incident and mushrooms into a huge scientific inquiry into apparent messages from the 'Other Side.'

The Life After Death Project made a lot of sense to me. I like the method they used. A quest for proof of life after death. Four New York Times best-selling authors, three top science professors and three well-respected mediums make a leap into the unknown, investigating astonishing evidence in the case of apparent "After Death Communication" (ADC) from Sci-Fi luminary Forrest J Ackerman.

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Alfred Charles Clark

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